Manage & organize LINE groups


Manage LINE friends menu

This is an in-app menu that you can use to manage your LINE friends. The following is a complete explanation of each attribute. Explanation of manage friends

  1. The number of all your groups on LINE of the related account.
  2. Use this to search for groups by name and make it easier for you to select and manage.
  3. Toggle button to select all data in the table or clear all selections.
  4. The table that holds your LINE friend data depends on the status of the friend you choose.
  5. Refresh the table to get the latest data from LINE.
  6. Show options to the selected groups.
  7. Export all your groups data on LINE to Spreadsheet ( CSV ) file.
  8. All tags that you have created are displayed here.
  9. Delete the tag you selected.

Selecting groups

Before you manage or take action on your LINE groups, you must understand how to select data on the groups table. You only need to press your left mouse button or just press the left button while dragging like in this video.

Give a tag to groups

Tags are very useful if you want to send a message by including only a few friends or excluding some groups from the broadcast.

Watch the video below for how to add a Tag to your LINE friends.

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