Desktop - Basic Usage

Before we explain the main use of this application, please open LINE Application Desktop/PC.


After your LINE Desktop application is ready, please read this page to the end.

The Deskstop broadcast creation form will appear and will show you some fields that you must fill in. Here are the explanations that you can understand. The creation form of broadcastDescription with the symbol * means it is a required field to be filled/selected

  1. *Select the type of target that will receive your broadcast.
  2. Set the first position in which broadcasts will start.
  3. Send the broadcast until the last target or set the last position.
  4. *Set it to enable if you have favorite friends/groups in your LINE.
  5. Add a text message to broadcast.
  6. Add a file message to broadcast.
  7. All of prepared messages for broadcast.
  8. Save prepared messages to the drafts list, or load prepared messages from the drafts list.
  9. Apply the configuration and start broadcast.
  10. Reset the configuration and prepared message.

Please check how we set up an example below :

After the messages are ready, make sure your LINE Desktop/PC is running and ready to use. We will broadcast to all of LINE friends. So, set the broadcast to "Friend", and set it to"until the last user".Then click "START" button to begin your broadcast. Please do not use your keyboard or mouse for a while or it will disturb your broadcast and process will be stopped

Before starting, there is a process to validate friends so that all friends can be reached and minimize obstacles. After that the process will start until it is finished as in the video below.

When finished, then you can see the broadcast results are sent properly according to the message you prepared earlier.

Invite Group

After your LINE Desktop application is ready, please read this page to the end.

The Invite Group form will appear and will show you some fields that you must fill in. Here are the explanations that you can understand. The creation form of invite groupDescription with the symbol * means it is a required field to be filled/selected

  1. *Choose between invite all your friends in contact or set max friend to be invited.
  2. Set maximum friend to be invited.
  3. Enable it to use invite delay, after adding friends, your invite process will automatically take a break.
  4. Set minimum amount of friend in single invite process.
  5. Set maximum amount of friend in single invite process. this will add your friends between minimum and maximum amount of friends in single invite
  6. Set minimum pause/break duration after single invite.
  7. Set maximum pause/break duration after single invite. your process will take a break between minimum and maximum duration after single invite
  8. Apply the configuration and start invite group.
  9. This will stop your invite group process.
  10. Your progression of invite group.

Before starting, there is a process to validate friends so that all friends can be reached and minimize obstacles. After that the process will start until it is finished as in the video below.

When finished, then you can see the broadcast results are sent properly according to the message you prepared earlier.

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